Technical Help for Clients

June 13, 2017

Need help with your accounting software or other technical problem?

Accounting software has definitely helped the majority of us simplify the way we keep track of our business, but for some of us, it is a never ending battle learning the in’s and out’s and keeping up to date with various updates that happen. Sometimes all it takes is a little extra training – one on one.

We are pleased to now offer a “Technical Help” day to all of our current clients. You may have a question about reconciling in Xero or how to set up a bank feed in MYOB, or your question could go beyond accounting software and be of a more general nature i.e. setting up a gmail account, how to make a tax payment via Internet Banking and so on.

A free 30 minute tutorial session will be set up for you to go over any questions that you have – our next available date is Wednesday 10 May between 9.30am and 2.30pm. If you would like take up this offer, please call the office on 07 376 0366 or email [email protected] to book your session. Bookings are essential.

You will need to advise what it is that you need help with so we can allocate you to the team member that can assist you, as well as ensure we have all the answers you need when we see you on the day.